Friday, February 29, 2008

Thing number 30...the end

I got a thought for you....IM DONE hahahahaha

learning 2.0 a review...29

Overall it was a very good learning experience for me. I wont say that it was easy, that's not true. However i will say for anybody not used to the Internet, as it is now or how it will change, it is a great way to get your feet wet and get some basic experience. Which in the longer run I believe will be invaluable.


Rollyo...interesting tool never thought of making a customizable search page before but then the Internet is the first place that such a thing would be possible now isn't it. Libraries nationwide should jump on this as soon as they can. By creating a Rollyo roll they could possibly hit sites that wouldn't normally show up on more standard search pages, and that i think would be a good way to spread information.

Library Thing...27

It is interesting to see what people are reading or more accurately what is popular. (as you will see what I think is good reading isn't actually popular with many) Library thing is definitely a useful tool when judging the popularity of a given book, this is important its is just to judge the popularity not whether the book is appropriate for your library or not.

Text Generators...26

This was actually amusing I found a really neat text generator here and thats my name ---->
Thats the chinese form of my name they also have Tibetian.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Podcasts and Videos....25

The Arizona State University Library has allot of Student information help. They use vodcasts for tours, also for news and information. The students are made aware that they have access to group study rooms, research classes, and wireless computers and other invaluable services.

We offer many of the same services at our library. Should it be put on podcast would only enhance our popularity I think.


Our discovery exercise for this blog was to look at two podcast directories etc.. The only directory that would allow me access was Yahoo. Therefore I can only say that Yahoo is very user friendly and easy to navigate.